Saturday, August 25, 2007

Workplace Bullying - Business paper

Workplace Bullying - Business

This white paper contains sound strategies for addressing bully bosses. It includes information for Human Resources and Leaders who have subordinates who bully the people they supervise. There are also ideas for the target of the bully to use when addressing the bully behavior. What do you think of the article and the ideas?

Friday, August 17, 2007

Online Aggression

The internet is a prevalent communication tool. Any system or person encountering the communication can be effected. Various electronic formats are opening the potential for aggression using technology.

Share your experiences regarding online/electronoc aggression.

Helpful links for learning more:

Cyber bullying

Monday, July 16, 2007

Relational Aggression - female or male

Are females usually the source of relational aggression?

This link has some definitions and background describing relational aggression.

When do males turn to relational (emotional) aggression?

Friday, April 6, 2007

Defining Moments

How would you define or describe a "Bully" or "relational aggression?"

I look forward to reading your thoughts.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Internet Resources

One of my long time BEST online resources for this subject is

Where do you go online to learn about recognizing Relational Aggression?


Coaching is a great way for people to learn new relationship skills. Many people resort to Relational Aggression (bullying) without even realizing it.

Relational Aggression is tricky, because it "seems" to pay off. The trick is that in the long run the bully suffers from a number of relational distresses and losses that can increase insecurities and anxiousness. The more anxious and insecure someone is in relationships, the more likely they are to try tactics that are aggressive. The vicious cycle begins and the behaviors perpetuate increasing aggression.

Coaching can help identify and change behavior patterns that lead down the path of destroying relationships. Everyone probably resorts to Relational Aggression at some time or another. How aware are we and how often are we engaged in that pattern?

If Relational Aggression is something you use more often than you would like and it has played a part in major losses - divorce, unemployment, legal issues, etc. then you may want to start with a local mental health professional.

If Relational Aggression is creeping in to your family, friendships and workplace, I invite you to share your stories, experiences and ideas on this blog.

I am glad you are here to explore ways to improve relationships and reduce aggression.